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Doxrix Corporations

Learn Anything @DoxRix

Doxrix Corporations is an e-marketplace where learners have connected with freelance instructors and people can have live sessions with consultants from different professions. Mentors, instructors, trainers, consultants are now available on one platform for learning skills and solving personal and professional problems, and we call it as Doxrix.

Doxrix is a platform for learners to grow their skills, instructors to sell their skilled courses and knowledge with experience, and consultants to solve problems of their clients related to their lifestyle. Doxrix is a bridge to connect learners, instructors and consultants via online mode.

DoxRix has partnered with the most excellent experts to help you handle your everyday difficulties, through live consultations with Astrologers, Vastu Consultants, Advocates, Interior Designers, Gym Instructors, Doctors, Advocates, Relationship Counsellors, Love Gurus, Dieticians & Nutritionists, Business Coaches, Financial Advisors, and may others. The result of learning skills is self-employment or paid employment.


Doxrix offers great learning experience in entertainment. We aim to create a platform for skilled music and dance lovers through audio-video facilities with freelancing entertainment specialists. This enables the learner to concentrate on developing a genuine interest in traditional music, dance, and other cultural activities.


Learning future readings help you earn money from the very first day and start training others about what you have learnt and experienced from the world. Learn and become an expert in numerology, palm reading, tarot reading, chinese horoscope, reiki healing, vastu, vedic cosmology, KP system, and feng shui.


Freelancers are the best persons to teach technical courses like SEO/SMO/PPC in smallest fee. Through the expertise of freelancing professionals, you can learn new skills for your growth in brand building. The experts instruct you in learning brand marketing, social media ad campaigns, google ads, seo, smo etc.

Health & Wellness

Becoming a professional fitness trainer and dietician is one of most highly demand in the market today. Choose to become nutritionists, cosmetologists and gym instructors and consult others to get paid for your services on DoxRix is an easy way. People can communicate with cosmetologists, medical officers, surgeons, dietitians, and many others on live sessions to learn and consult.

Life Coaching

Lifestyle problems are always at your doorstep and to solve them easily, you should have a life coach to consult your problems. Life coaches help youngsters to solve their problems related to relationships, business, legal, and career. They consult you to solve and sometimes ignore few problems in your life & to focus on your aim. Career growth needs skilling, which is delivered by experts on this platform with personal discussions.


Video editing and product photography is in high demand in the market. Learn small courses of video/photos editing in one session with practice. Get expertise in animation, graphic designing, film making, & other technicalities. Our experts & consultants will help you here to learn and become vlogger, photographer, video editor & much more.


Build your knowledge in communication, writing, design & much more. Doxrix offer wide range of skill development courses on live sessions with freelancers. We give impetus for large-scale engagement in skill development by experienced instructors & consultants. Skill experts & counselors identify important skill groups, create skill development models & enlighten you towards your expertise.


Improve your communications skills by interacting with language experts and become fluent speaker. Connect with experts to learn different languages like English, French, Japanese, Chinese, Russian and present yourself with language personalities. DoxRix members learn corporate communication skills under the supervision of DoxRix instructors.