Expose yourself to magnificent Tools & Aspects of Acting that I have come across in my Acting Career that has spanned over 35 years and is still counting.

About This Course/Skill

Still wondering if this workshop is for you?

The sole purpose of the Acting Workshops is to give away great value that I have acquired over the years via acting on stage and in front of a camera.

This is pure Gold for Actors and Actresses who want to upskill themselves with tools and skill sets that an A Level Actor possesses and showcases on screen!


Aspiring Actors

·         Pursue Acting as a passion and enjoy it whenever you perform!

·         Learn some skill-sets that will help bring about a positive mindset change.

·         Understand how to stand out and be unique from others.


Theatre Actors

·         Understand how to approach Auditions.

·         Learn how to let go of all your fears.

·         Better clarity on Acting tools and their usage.


Drama Enthusiasts

·         Learn from my invaluable 35+ years experience in Drama.

·         Being confident on stage and letting go of stage fear.

·         Importance of a routine to develop your skills.


Film Actors

·         Understand the essence of Auditions and use it as a self help tool.

·         Learn the skills an A-lister possesses and understand the dynamics of it.

·         Let go of all the unnecessary myths that any Actor shouldn’t fall prey to.



Cinema Lovers

·         Understand how Actors train themselves to portray the way they are showcasing something.

·         Learn some awesome skills yourself and experience the Joy of performing just like your Favourite Actor!

·         Appreciate all those little aspects, Actors work on to be on point on Screen.



Creative Individuals

·         Use your creativity and apply them into some great Acting tools and skill sets!

·         You will start to enjoy true Acting by understanding some in depth Acting aspects.

·         Increase creativity by learning something completely new in the world of Acting


I want to make one point clear…




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