
Learn Building Apps Without Coding And Grow Your Career

The usage of mobile is growing day by day which makes it so obvious that the mobile industry is growing day by day. The profit margin in this particular industry is so high. At this stage of life, you can see people aged between 2 years to 70 years actively using mobile phones. Yes, the kids of this generation don’t prefer to eat food without scrolling on some rhyme apps. Now, if we know that people around us are actively using phones we have an edge in gaining profit in this market. We can develop certain apps which can fulfill the needs and preferences according to the customer’s age. It’s a sure-shot thing that you can grow and make a successful career just by making apps.

It is again a myth that should burst just like a bubble today that you can develop an app without coding. Yes, coding is important but not so important that you cannot develop an app. You can develop an app very easily with some basic tips and tricks which will be required by the consultants at DOXRIX. DOXRIX is a platform that offers you, several experienced app developers, as a consultant. You can choose your consultant as per your preference. They have been working in this field for a good time now and hold a reputation around. You can learn these tips globally just by sitting at your home which makes it so convenient for you. The consultants give you online sessions and are highly patient due to which you can ask your doubts whenever and wherever you want.

How to Create an App Without Coding in 6 Simple Steps

In the past, for making apps high knowledge, coding, and certain experience were required. But, fortunately, things have changed so much that an app can easily be developed with some guidance. Though, it is true that the task can be really time-consuming and hectic and if taken guidance properly it can be like a fun activity from which you can never get bored. Here are some top six simple steps which DOXRIX takes and make you learn for the development of an app.

STEP 1- Select a No-Code App Builder

The first thing which is required is an app maker. The consultant does give you certain samples of this which are required if you are new to this. This is the process where you cannot rush and have to work with patience. Not all no-code platforms are created equally, so you can’t just pick one randomly and expect it to work out. 

Here are some tips which will help you during the evaluation process:

•BUDGET:  An easy way to narrow down your options is by price. If you see that an app builder is way out of your price range, quickly eliminate it from your list. You should have a clear budget in mind before you begin this process. It will be easier for you then.

CUSTOMIZATION: No-code app development shouldn’t mean you’re limited with what you can build. Some cookie-cutter app builders have limited functions. But the best options offer limitless customization. 

REPUTATION: Before buying anything, you should go through the reviews given by the users. It is extremely important as it will make you choose the right app builder.

•INTERFACE: Take advantage of any free trials offered by the app creator. This is one of the best ways to see if you’re comfortable using the interface before you commit to a subscription.

STEP 2- Choose a Plan That Best Fits Your Needs

Once you select a platform, you’ll likely have different plan options to consider as well. Again, DOXRIX will guide you about the platforms. You can ask anything about the packages and plans which will help you in the making of an app.

STEP 3- Pick a Template

Building apps is easier when you can start with a template. An app builder should give you a starting point with a template that matches the type of app you want to create. The template should be suitable and related to the app you’re planning to build.

STEP 4- Design Your App With Custom Branding

While all of the major design components are already done, now you just need to change the colors and logos to match your brand. 

STEP 5- Add All the Features

Add all the necessary features which are required in the app. To add functionality to your app try to add the latest features as per the requirement.

STEP-6  Publish your app

After every step, the last and foremost important step is to publish your app on Apple stores and on the Play store. 

DOXRIX will brief you in all these steps and makes you understand in the latest and most lucid terms which will make it easier to understand and even you can easily make an app without any coding and interference.